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The areas circled are places Fascist groups either existed or reigned.
8 Countries in Europe have had these groups.

Italy: Mussolini and his Fascist reign. (1919)
Germany: Hitler and his Fascist/Nazi reign. (1933)
Spain: Francisco Franco and his Fascist reign. (1936)
France: PSF political party. They never got power, but did get seats in the government.
Britain: Rise of the Labor Party. They never got power. (1926)
Romainia: The Legion, a strong political party. They never got power.(1937)
Sweden: Minor political partys, a reaction to war. They never got power.
Crotia: Strong political partys and influenced their government, although they never got power.

Fascism influenced a few countries outside Europe, but didnt have a big impact otherwise.
USA: The creation of the KKK which had some Fascist ideals. (1920s)
Brazil: Getulio Varga's overthrow of the government and instalation of a fascist like reign. (1930)
Japan: Ultranationalist groups during the 1930s.
Mexico: The Mexican Goldshirts, much like the Fascist Black shirts. They shared many nationalist ideals. (1934)