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“’Every Fascist must be a guardian of order. Every disturber is an enemy even
if he carries in his pocket the identification card of the [Fascist] Party.’
Thus, in a few words, were the position and the duty of the Party in the life
of the Fascist regime indicated”
Benito Mussolini
"In order to understand the Fascist movement one must first apprehend the
underlying phenomena in all its vastness and depth. In point of fact, Italian Fascism
has not only been a political revolt against weak and incapable governments... but also
a spiritual revolt against old ideas which had corrupted the sacred principles of religion,
of faith, of country. Fascism, therefore, has been a revolt of the people."Benito Mussolini

The Rise of Fascism

"After WWI, Italy was a poor nation. Immediately after the war, as Europe was
exhausted, the Italian tourist trade and export trade came to a
standstill and there was large-scale unemployment throughout the country." Corner

In post-war Italy, unemployment rates were high, there was a lot of inflation, and talk of
revolution. Peasants were stealing land and striking workers, and angry
industrialists were struggling for control.

"Mussolini advocated extreme right-
wing policies. Promising order and upholding the ideal of patriotism,
Mussolini had gathered around him his own private brigade and army." John Mangion

Fascists found successfulness by using their black shirted activists to
plant bombs, beat up other parties, disrupt meetings, and scare people.
Then, when the left wing unions called a general strike in 1922, the Black
Shirts started to take over town councils by force.

"By 1922 Mussolini had enough power to demand representation in the actual government of the
country. When this demand was turned down, Mussolini and his followers
decided to make the challenge of force. On 28th October 1922 supporters
of Mussolini converged on the city of Rome from various parts of the
country, in what was to be called "La Marcia su Roma" (The March on
Rome). King Victor Emanuel III and the army refused to resist them, and
they entered Rome unopposed. The King then asked Mussolini to form a
government and assume the post of prime minister." John Mangion

Hitler’s influential relationship with Mussolini
“Mussolini was never obsessed with Hitler but Germany was the nation of nations.
Europe could only gain from an alliance with her.” Rachele Mussolini

“Three years elapsed before Mussolini and Hitler met again. Their Second
Encounter occurred in Germany. By now Hitler fully understood the true meaning
of Mussolini and Fascism… Hitler alone offered economic and political aid and he
was the first to recognize the Italian empire.” Rachele Mussolini

“Hitler realizing that his show of strength had impressed the Duce was anxious to
strike while the iron was hot, immediately laid the foundations of an agreement that
was to become the “Pact of Steel” The military alliance that Germany & Italy signed.” Rachele Mussolini
“As soon as the tide of world war had turned there was criticism of Mussolini both in
Italy and elsewhere for his alliance with Hitler” Rachele Mussolini

Fall of Mussolini
“The fascists were victims, poor things, of the propaganda of Radio London and the
voice of America which stressed continually that the allies were making war not on
Italy but on Mussolini and Fascism.” Rachele Mussolini

“By using the Fascist Grand Council, the conspirators could betray Mussolini without
violating constitutional requirements. They would simply vote him out of office. Ironically,
just as he had taken power through the most lawful means, the Duce would leave it in the same way.” Rachele Mussolini